To get updates on email address, phone number and title changes of the leads and contacts in Salesforce CRM, you must create custom fields in the leads and contacts object. Only admins can create custom fields in Salesforce. So if you are not an admin, please contact your Salesforce administrator to create the custom fields.


Click on the Setup icon on the top right corner of your Salesforce page.

In the setup page, go to PLATFORM TOOLS->Object and Fields->Object Manager

Select Leads, go to Fields & Relationships section in Leads page and click on New button at the top of the table.

Step 1: You will then be taken to a page to create a custom field. Select the field type as text.

Step 2: Provide the field details as follows:

Field Label: sl_id

Length: 255

Description: Identifier to match the lead in Saleslift database.

Step 3: Keep the default settings and click next

Step 4: Complete the creation and click on Save & New

You will be taken to a new custom field creation page and follow the same instructions as above. In step 2, provide the following details.

Field Label: sl_email_confidence

Length: 255

Description: This field indicates the confidence level of the quality of email address.

Continue to step 3 and in step 4, click on Save. The custom field creation is complete for Leads object. Now  go to Setup -> PLATFORM TOOLS -> Object and Fields -> Object Manager -> Contacts and repeat the same steps to create custom fields for Contacts object. 

Once custom fields are created for Leads and Contacts objects, you can use the contacts update feature.