1. How does it work

Our chrome plugin extracts the basic contact details like the first name, last name, title, company, domain and uses our email finder technology to find the business email address.

2. How do you ensure the email quality

Data quality is very important and we want to make sure the data we pass on to you is reliable. If you see a green thumb up icon beside the email, then it means we are highly confident of the email address. However, when we are not 100% sure about an email address, we will indicate it with a yellow thumb up icon.

3. Is there any limit on the number of social profiles that I can prospect

In the forever free plan, up to 100 social profiles can be added every month. Please check our subscription plans if you need to add more than 100 social profiles.

4. The email address provided by the social prospector is invalid. What should I do?

You can mark the contact as inactive by clicking on the name in the LinkedIn prospector or Twitter prospector section.